Meet the team.

Tap into our unique blend of expertise and experience.  Whether around food, medicine or relationship and whether for you, your community or your organisation, we share life-changing, enlivening and transformative nature-based knowledge and hands-on skills. Humans are a part of nature and nature connection is integral to human health. Everything we can do to strengthen this connection is a step towards true health. We are fully trained, qualified and insured.

The Peach team.

Jo Webster

Sophia Goard

Jonas Brab

Hannah Robson

Sally Bauer

Darshan Robson

Jo Webster



There is no quick fix to lasting human health. It is down to each of us and the behaviours we express day in, day out. And this is where my interest lies; in bringing my expertise in nutrition, herbs and microbes to help support genuine health through enjoyable and sustainable habits that at the same time strengthen our connection to the natural world. This may involve one to one clinical consultations where, through careful and thorough collaboration, me working as a health specialist and my client as a specialist in themselves, we are genuinely able to bring about lasting improvement in health with the help of food, herbs and microbes. Or this may involve knowledge-sharing in fun and enlivening ways through workshops or demonstrations to groups or organisations.  I also work as a consultant in how nutrition, fermented foods and drinks or medicinal herbs might be utilised to better support health and how change might be implemented. I am currently conducting research into fermented foods and medicinal herbs, with product ideas in development in both areas.

My training

I am a nutritionist, a medical herbalist and fermentologist. I am a PhD student with Surrey University and Tegasc (the agriculture and food development authority in the Republic of Ireland) researching a novel fermented food.  I completed a 4 year degree level course to qualify as a herbalist (with distinction) and I have an MSc (distinction) in nutritional medicine from Surrey University. I also hold first aid qualifications.  I am an associate member of the Association for Nutrition,I am a full member of the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy, the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, the Association of Foragers, amongst other governing bodies. I used to be a property lawyer and I have a degree in psychology.

Nutritionist - Medical herbalist - Fermentologist

Sophia Goard



Discovering that many of the plants we see every day can actually offer us food and medicine when we learn to recognise, gather and prepare them tends to leave people a little awestruck, with a new lens through which to view the world. As a forager, I bring people and plants together to explore a galaxy of novel flavours found in wild foods, whilst as a herbalist I know that being outdoors and using these plants can profoundly benefit health. As a biologist, I know that humans need to become reacquainted and re-enchanted with the natural world in order to effectively address the challenges and crises of our time.

If you are looking for ways to rewild your palate, kitchen or life at large, join us in the woods, the field or the local park to discover the green delights all around you. We create bespoke experiences and materials to meet your needs, be it edible plant identification courses, recipe advice and tasting or nature-based team building.

My training

I have worked professionally in the wild food space since 2021, guiding foraging courses and gathering wild foods. I am a qualified medical herbalist and have a degree (first class hons) in biology from the University of Southampton that specialised in microbial systems. I synthesise my knowledge and experiences to give you the insight you require.

Forager - Wild food educator - Biologist - Medical herbalist

Jonas Brab



I have worked in outdoor education for many years, inspiring children and adults to get in touch with the nature around them, whilst also deepening my own understanding of the natural world. In recent years, I have worked as a herbalist, seeing clients, giving herb walks and talks and making herbal balms, creams, oils and tinctures. Whatever our age, we all have something to learn about ourselves and the natural world around us. I enjoy being able to share these wonderful moments with others, through sharing what I have learned and allowing people to take time to listen and see the wonders around them. In this day and age, it is ever more necessary for ourselves and our planet that we develop our relationship with the ecosystems upon which we depend.

My training

I have taken part in several bushcraft courses, as well as completing a year-long wilderness awareness training in Germany. In 2015, I completed my BSc in forest science in Germany, after which I came to the UK and worked as an outdoor education instructor for 6 years.  I trained in herbal medicine for 6 years with the School of Herbal Medicine and concluded my studies in 2021, gaining a distinction. I now teach clinical skills at the School. Whilst a herbal student, I also worked as a carer and gained experience in herbal first aid at various festivals. I work for an organic herb supply company, leading their production of herbal extracts. I am currently training to be a counsellor.

Herbalist - Woodsman - Educator

Hannah Robson



Warmth, playfulness and simplicity are woven through my work in 1-1 herbal consultations, storytelling performances and in the group experiences I facilitate be that singing, storytelling or herbalism. I thrive when implementing group work that is collaborative and creative. I take pleasure in creating spaces that elicit the knowledge and wisdom of the participants - this can be in 1-1 consultations, allowing the client to be truly empowered in understanding their own health and how they want to move forward, or in creative workshops where my belief is that everyone is a herbalist, a storyteller and a singer - they may just need the right encouragement and space to feel that.

At the heart of my work is a desire to deepen our connection with ourselves, to each other and to nature through simple activities or practices. I find that when we are connected to ourselves it is easier for us to deepen connection with others. All of this human (and non-human) connection leads to better health outcomes for ourselves and the planet.

My training

My qualifications and experience are broad and reflect a desire to learn and connect with others through a variety of means. I have a first class degree in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies from King’s College London and a CELTA qualification from International House Bogota. Through my work in youth organisations and working at a specialist education college I have been trained in many areas that range from from safeguarding and mental capacity to motivational interviewing and mentoring techniques. I have trained as a herbalist at Betonica School of Herbal Medicine and graduated from the 4 year course with distinction. I have participated and led courses at the School of Storytelling and most recently I have completed a Singing Mama leader training and am a proud member of their movement.

Herbalist - Storyteller - Song-sharer

Sally Bauer

Sally Bauer The Peach


With over 30 years of dedicated experience as a nurse, I have had the privilege of working closely with individuals and professionals. My journey as a leader has been deeply rooted in the desire to truly see and hear people, both as patients seeking care and professionals striving for excellence. Throughout my career, I have honed my skills in motivational interviewing, health coaching and shared decision-making techniques. Understanding a person’s unique perspective is the key to unlocking the vast potential within them and, from there, fostering transformational change through the power of genuine, collaborative conversations.  By embracing the principles of motivational communication, individuals and professionals are empowered to embark on their meaningful journeys of growth, self discovery and positive transformation. In my practice as a health coach and running workshops in Listen to Change - empowering transformational conversations, I emphasise a collaborative conversation style that goes beyond mere dialogue. It builds trust, strengthens relationships and enables each person to uncover the core of their commitment and motivation to change. When people are able to do this, they are then able to make lasting changes to their health situation that are right for them.

My training

I am a registered nurse with advanced skills and I am a non-medical prescriber.  I have worked in acute care in cardiac surgery, and in the community with travelling communities and with older people.  I have over 30 years clinical experience and manage a service and provide leadership in my field across the county and the wider region in proactive and personalised care.  Over the years, I have undertaken numerous courses in motivational interviewing, health coaching and shared decision making and have embedded these approaches into the team I lead.

Advanced nurse practitioner - Clinical leader - Health coach - Motivational interviewer

Darshan Robson

Darshan Robson The Peach


A garden is a place that brings us back to life, awakening our senses with its exquisite sights, smells, tastes, textures and sounds. As a gardener, it is my constant pleasure to participate in the living dynamics within places and landscapes; valuing and understanding life is a guiding principle that influences my work with building soils, growing plants, creating flower borders and diverse habitats, that intimately weave function and beauty. The garden is full of meaningful work rooted in the future and I believe that it is a superb place for education and healing.

My training

After completing a BSc in psychology in my early 20’s, I went on to become more aware and interested in the political, historical, environmental, philosophical and spiritual realities of the world. After a transformative experience whilst tree planting in the Scottish highlands, I committed myself to the search for positive change; and went on to have formative experiences with farming, plants, meditation, and health. I achieved diplomas in biodynamic ecology and holistic massage, and I'm currently studying for a diploma in vocational assessment.

Gardener - Educator


We not only offer signature workshops and events, but also bespoke packages to suit your needs. For prices, please contact one of us and we would be happy to discuss your requirements, make suggestions and give you a price, accordingly.